Monday, December 22, 2008

Getting ready

Kim and I are getting ready to go to Madison for a week. The weather looks abysmal, but all the reports say it will warm up a bit. I'm bringing my winter silks for sure this year, so as not to freeze my hiney off.

I'm looking forward to eating at Baraka's on State St and maybe some Zanzabar Chocolate ice cream at Ella's Deli on East Wash if I'm not too cold. We'll catch a few flicks with sister Cris at the Sundance Theater, keep bundled up and I'll need several helpings of Pop's chicken soup to keep me warm.

Merry Christmas everybody. And those in Madison, we'll see you very soon.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Out to get the mail

Don't I look purdy!

Snow and more snow

Hi honey bunney

Elizabeth Lake

Blankets of snow

Greenside Grill

Finally the mail!

The morning after...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is getting ridiculous!

Okay this is officially getting ridiculous! My camera died so now here are some iPhone pictures.

Trees are starting to crack under the weight of the snow and we decided to move Kim's truck just to be safe. This is supposed to stop at midnight, but I don't know. Yep, somehow we transported to Wisconsin.

Snow date

It keeps snowing and snowing and snowing...

So, Kim and I decided to take the naughties (Abby, Spencer & Linus) out for a walk. We even had a snowball fight. My Christmas present came early.

What's this white stuff?

For a moment this morning I wasn't quite sure where I was. Well not really, but it sure is feeling like Wisconsin. Elizabeth Lake is in the middle of a snow storm. I actually had to call snowed in for an assignment (this has never happened to me). Kim and I felt it would be safer if I just stayed put and not try to go out there.

Who knows if the roads are open and I'm not quite sure how to check. In Wisconsin, they have this down pat. But in California, it starts to rain and people forget what to do, let alone what to do if it snows. I didn't even know which website could point me in the right direction. I give in (oh don't twist my arm *wink*).

Today I'm going to enjoy being snowed in with my honey, sit by the fire and watch the snowflakes fall from the sky. I couldn't think of a more perfect day.

Happy snow day everybody! They it is say possibly to get up to 12 inches today really!?!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

We had ourselves a little bit of snow here on the west coast...well at least at our house in Elizabeth Lake. It is the first snow of the season and it seems the little storm isn't over yet. It was a beautiful surprise this morning with the desert colors and a blanket of white. It's welcoming me (preparing me) for the weather to come in Madison.

I can't wait to see all of our mid-west family and meet some new ones (wink). After many years of living near the beach (no complaints here), I finally get to have my white Christmases.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Winding down...well sort of

So the semester, both where I interpret and where I teach, are finally ending. I still have to administer a final tonight, grade it and turn it in, but I'm on the home stretch. I'm looking forward to a bit of down time. It will be short, but sweet. As soon as I get back I have to get back to the grindstone and work an event I am in charge of running. I don't think I'll be able to get that off my mind while we are in Wisconsin.

Kim and I arrive in Madison on Christmas Eve and are staying until New Years Eve. I'm looking forward to meeting Ivy and seeing Kevin and Shawnie. I'm also drooling, thinking about Garry's homemade chicken noodle soup. This is seasonal treat that Garry concocts that leaves all who partake full and wishing they brought different pants.

I need to buckle down and start shopping for gifts. This year we all agreed to be Christmas-lite. The economy sucks ans no one can really afford it. I'm just happy I'll get to spend little pockets of time with those who I love.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Introducing Linus

Let me see, were shall I start? Kim and Cris were driving home from the airport and almost ran into Lola and Linus. Of course they could not leave them by the roadside, so they took them back to our place until they knew what to do with them. I swear they are dog magnets!

After struggling to find a shelter that accepted Pits (very few in Southern California), we finally dropped off Linus and his sister Lola at the West Valley Animal Shelter in Chatsworth. Paranoid that they would be euthanized, Kim and Cris got in contact with It's the Pits in San Diego and worked with the them to get the puppies fostered.

Long story short, Lola was quickly adopted from under our nose....erg! The shelter was supposed to give us first rights when they were ready to be adopted. I hope the people who adopted her are kind and loving people. In the mean time Kim and I are fostering (wink wink) Linus and promptly getting attached. We'll see what happens. Our decision is not yet finalized and we want to keep our options open.

He is pretty darn cute though huh?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The holidays

The holidays make me think about those that surround my life.

I wanted to send warm fuzzies to Shawnie and Kevin for their new arrival Ivy. They are busy nesting and getting to know each other. I look forward to becoming an auntie and getting to know this new little personality.

I'm also thinking of my aunt and uncle (you guys know what I mean). This time of year gets me thinking of my mom as well. I think she would be happy with the way things have turned out. I wish she was here.

Happy holidays to you all.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cris is coming to town

Well it's Thanksgiving time and Cris (Kim's sister) is coming to town. For her birthday, we split the cost of flying her out here for the week. I'm looking forward to some laughs and some time off too. I'll be preparing the bird and all the fixin's for Gobble Gobble Day. Looking forward to it. I wish everyone a great Thanksgiving holiday. I am thankful that I have all of you in my life. I'm so much better for it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just blog out of it

I've been just so out of it since the election, that I've completely forgotten to blog. I will soon I have some great and some not so great little stories to tell. In the mean time be sure to keep checking Dan's blog (I blog on it too) Prop8life
Blog at you later ;-)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Little Story

Amidst all the excitement and devistation, I forgot a little story that has made a difference in my life.

A former student of mine took it upon himself to join the cause. I will call him Mr Shy for the purpose of this blog. Mr Shy joined a local LGBT group, who were getting the word out against Prop 8. Members chose to wear pink triangles on their clothes to show their support up until the elections. While out at local eatery, Mr Shy was asked what the pink triangle stood for by an employee. Mr Shy explained the fight for equal marriage rights for the LGBT community and convinced this employee to vote against the proposition. Wonders, really do, come in small packages.

I want to thank all of my friends, collegues and family who were equally devestated by the passing of Prop 8. I've received texts, emails, voicemails, Facebook messages of support and disbelief. Your warmth, generosity, kind words and advocacy mean the world to me. Thank you for who you are and thank you for being there for me.

Posted with LifeCast

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can...Well Some Of Us Can

Today's excitement is bittersweet. I am thrilled that we elected Barak Obama for president. This is an historic moment on so many levels and I'm so proud to have been a part of it. What I can't get my brain around is church sanctioned bigotry that led to, not one state, but three states passing amendments to ban gay marriage! People look to California for leadership and today we failed to show that leadership. It was close and I haven't overlooked that point, but I'm truly disappointed, heartbroken in fact. This is not over, not by a long shot. That which is too precious to lose is worth fighting for. I love my wife and they cannot take that away from me. We will have to take this all the way to the Supreme Court and nationally get the rights we deserve. I'm ready are you?

Posted with LifeCast

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today, I vote

In a few minutes, I'm going to vote on this historical day. I don't care if the lines are long or if all of my neighbors vote against me. I voted on this historic day and I am a part of history. I participate. I care. I stand up for myself and others I care about. Today, I vote.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Here kitty kitty

Happy Halloween to one and all. Let's take this moment to put aside the ugliness the election has provided and enjoy this holiday, however you see fit. I just finished carving my pumpkin...what do ya think?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm Ready To Vote

I can't wait, I want to vote now! I don't care if I have to wait in line forever, I need to be heard. I need to speak out for my rights and for those who are too young to have their own voice. This election is too important to be passive. Speak your heart. Speak your mind. Vote.

Posted with LifeCast

Ruffled Feathers!

This all started with a minor disagreement about the California Teacher's Association position of No on Prop 8, in the workroom. Coworkers in favor of this proposition put bumper stickers Yes on Prop 8 in their cars and not a word was mentioned. The tension at the school became palpable and finally Anne, Kim and Rowdy had had enough. The threesome began to put up signs in their cars, off school's property, against Prop 8. Well it looks like Kim, Rowdy & Anne's small protest warranted attention from our local right wing rag. Tuesday the Antelope Valley Press paid the school a visit and photographed Rowdy and Kim's vehicles. The sign read: America's History of Persecution: Native American, Women's Movement, African American and Now Gay Americans. Apparently parents were up in arms, calling the Superintendent, to complain about the signs against Prop 8 as they were dropping of their children. Rowdy, Anne & Kim are provoking a controversy, quite possibly forcing people to think about others outside of their immediate circle. This newspaper article may be a ploy to try and frighten them, but that's just not going to happen. Yesterday, Dan's friend Ann, came up from Los Angeles to interview the "rabble-rousers" for the Advocate.

Today's sign reads: Amend the Constitution to Take People's Rights Away?

Go baby go!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Anticipation @ Camille's Sidewalk Cafe

I want the election season to be over and done with. The tension in the air is palpable and uncomfortable. People are politely not talking, or if they are talking it gets ugly quick: neighbors not speaking, co-workers staring each other down and so on.

Kim is fighting an uphill battle and I'm very proud of her. She is making small banners on Vote No on Prop 8 and placing them on her car for all to see at work. She said she's sick of the double standard, with which I completely agree. Unfortunately I feel very alone in this political climate. So I'm sitting here at Camille's Sidewalk Cafe in Lancaster trying to think positively and waiting in anticipation for the election on November 4th. Cross all of your fingers and toes.

Posted with LifeCast

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Vote No on Prop 8

I can not believe that people are so up in arms about this proposition. How does this directly affect anyone, but those who are being discriminated against. In our neighborhood, I'm seeing signs for Yes on Prop 8, but very few opposing it.

I thought we had arrived at the 21 century where Americans were more civilized, thoughtful and respectful. England, Canada, Spain and various other countries have adopted laws to protect gay marriage, but the United States is so entrenched in their Puritan roots that we won't let go of the past.

I'm losing faith in our humanity here in the USA. No one cares for their neighbors, elders or downtrodden. The focus seems to be on making sure that people tow the line and focus on themselves. Patriotism and the American flag, once representing our quest for freedom and righting injustice, now is used as a weapon to separate us: us versus them, right versus left, terrorists versus freedom fighters and so on. I only hope that I am respired on November 4th and that this country turns onto a more positive path.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Forget fall lets jump straight to winter

The temperature here has headed south, currently 40 degrees, but that is not permanent yet. I was reading my friend (Shawnie)'s blog and was inspired to blog myself. I was thinking that Wisconsin has truer seasons than California, but California has nicer weather longer...ahh the grass is always greener.

Elizabeth Lake


At times like this I am torn as to where I want to be. To watch the leaves turn color and fall in Wisconsin, hang out with friends and sip hot cocoa or be here in California where the weather has not quite decided what it wants to be. One day you put on a fire in the fireplace and the next you are back to puddle pushers. I just love this season...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Goodnight Punk

Yesterday, we said goodbye to Punk. Stubborn, curious and always hungry, she was Kim's little Punker-Poo. We hope that she's running around and chasing animals up in the sky, going for long walks and visiting friends who have long since passed. She had a great life, full of adventures here and in Wisconsin, car rides back a forth and mini escapes whenever she had the chance. We will miss her and she will always be in our hearts. Goodbye sweetie, we'll be seeing you.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dinner with friends

We had friends over for a dinner party last night: Rowdy, Dan, Ellen and Lori (Kim's workmates). I made Shrimp Creamy Pesto with garlic broccoli and garlic bread, which was a huge hit and unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy it much. Before the meal I had a plate au fromage for people to nibble on before dinner...that was my down fall. I eat to much cheese and my stomach decided to have it's revenge. I spent most of dinner running to the bathroom..oh well. At least we had good company, great conversation and a nice fire in the fireplace.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Future Aunties

I wanted to take a moment to congratulate our friends Shawnie and Kevin. Very shortly they will become proud parents to a baby girl from Korea. Ivy Kestrel will be making her way to Madison, WI very soon and we can't wait to visit. From your future aunties Kimi and Mimi, we send a loving welcome to your bundle of joy and to our dearest friends, I couldn't think of a more deserving family. Even though we aren't there with you, we join you in your celebration, anticipation and are always here for support. Mazel tov my friends!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


What has happened to this country? How did we become so ignorant, apathetic and disinterested? How did we become so uninformed about policies, laws and judgements that directly affect us? When did we start accepting a progressively lower and lower status quo? And what truly baffles me, is how someone, anyone, of sound mind could possibly think that our current economy, civil liberties and foreign relations are in good health!? Unbelievable!

Posted with LifeCast

Friday, September 19, 2008

Starbucks Pondering

So I'm sitting here at Starbucks waiting for my next assignment, wondering what happened to the week. I had a great birthday, with birthday greetings from all over the planet... I feel the love. But I'm sitting here thinking that we've all become so overwhelmingly busy! What happened to taking time for yourself and family and friends? I don't know if it is relative to one's age or if it's the times we are living in, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time for the truly important things. I working so hard just to get by and I'm exhausted. I can't even look forward to the weekend, because I'm working then too. I just hope this is just a national phase we're going through and doesn't become the norm.

Posted with LifeCast

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Spoiled rotten

Okay so it's my birthday this week and I'm going to celebrate all week long...I'm taking lessons from my friends. Anyway, yesterday I went out with my honey and family for a nice breakfast and they surprise me with XM Satellite for my car! I don't even know what to say, but THANK YOU!

This week I'm going out to dinner at Mushasi with a group of friends. I'm looking forward to "letting my hair down" and celebrating that I'm not 40 yet! I'm leaving my 30's kicking and screaming! When all is send and done I already have the best birthday gift. I am lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful people that I love and that get me. Okay, I didn't mean to get mushy, but it's my birthday so there :-P

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tighting the belt

No more so than recently, have I felt the economy's pinch at my purse strings. I feel overworked, underpaid and I'm hoping that a change in the White House will relieve that feeling.

I've finally gotten into a somewhat of a schedule with work, but I'm keeping crazy hours. My students have settled into the class (they're awfully quiet) and the university schedule keeps me on my toes. Freelance work is what it is and I know what to expect, but it's hard to keep track when you work for so many agencies. Sigh, okay I'll quit my proverbial bitching and realize everyone is in the same boat. Shesh! It's crowded in here.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Flamingos and Cheetahs and Meerkats oh my!

Linda, and her daughter Courtney, recently won plane tickets and accommodations to one of three locations through Linda's work (Washington DC, Nashville or San Diego). Lucky girls! So they decided to come to San Diego and flew in from Wisconsin on Friday. Kim and I met up with them yesterday and we all went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. There were so many animals and too much park! The grounds are enormous and at times wished I had a golf cart to get around. I loved seeing the Meerkat, lions and flamingos. Kim of course was all about the elephants, especially the babies. My favorite part of the day happened as we were leaving the park. Inside the grounds a cheetah (on a leash) was going for a walk with a big pet dog. I was in such awe that I failed to take a photograph. Rats!

Unbeknownst to us, we were in for 106 degree weather with humidity to boot. At times it really felt like we were trekking through the Sahara or Kalahari desert. After several pounds were lost and buckets of perspiration wiped away we all went out for a nice dinner. It was really nice to see Linda and her daughter. The visit, as they always are, was way too short. It would be fabulous if we could figure out a way to move Wisconsin closer... Until that's possible we'll keep commuting.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The joys of iPhone ownership

For the past two years, or so, I've been with out cell connection. I had a Sidekick III and for some reason T-Mobile does not have towers here in Elizabeth Lake. This made finding work for me particularly difficult. I had to continually sit at my computer and check my Sidekick III email online. T-Mobile regularly had issues with their website, so I would not get email at all until I drove into a bigger city. Anyway it made being mobile difficult.
Then for an early birthday present Kim bought me the new iPhone 3G. Can I just say how much I am in love with the iPhone. I don't have connectivity problems anymore. I'm free to go about my business and I'm not tethered to my computer, unless I want to be ;-) I've been a Mac user for years, so the transition was almost seamless.

So thank you honey for my birthday present. It's the best gift ever!

Monday, September 1, 2008

DIY home repairs

Kim and our neighbor Mark are currently fixing our cable, which involves drilling holes into the walls, trimming trees and god knows what else. I am just smiling, fetching stuff they need and trying to stay out of the way as much as possible. I thought I'd blog and play on the internet as a distraction until they call for my help. Ahh the joys of home ownership.

I would take pictures , but I don't think that would be met with much enthusiasm. So instead I leave you a mental picture of a neighbor's bad back, the coach and nervous animals. BTYL

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The formidable garden...

After Rowdy moved into his own abode, I was given the formidable task of tending the garden. Eek! This was a huge responsibility quite frankly especially since I tend to kill plants slowly. But week by week I'm starting to get the hang of it. I am helped by my father and an occasional phone call to Rowdy...uh what is that yellow flowering thingy?

I just purchased a dehydrator to dry some of our herbs: sage, thyme and basil to name a few. However, because of Rowdy's industrial strength green thumb we won't possibly be able to eat it all. I thought maybe I could make home made gifts with whatever we don't use, possibly infused oils or vinegars.

Here are some pictures I took from our garden.

Thanks Rowdy for all of your hard work and I will do my best to fill your shoes....impossible!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Let's get out the vote!

After watching Barak Obama speak last night at the Democratic National Convention (via TV), I am inspired. His speech was as close to perfect as a one could can get, Mr-Smith-Goes-to-Washington-esque. It has been a long time since I've seen a politician so forthright, passionate and awe-inspiring. His candor and energy are the missing pieces of a puzzle that this country has desperately needed. We as a nation need to come together again, agree to disagree respectfully and stop being so selfish. What happened to taking care of your neighbors and elders? It is after all "We the people" right?

I don't believe the Republicans have a chance this election, but I've also learned after the past 8 years to never say never. I know I need to do my part, vote, and encourage those of like minds to do the same. Here's looking to November 4th, 2008!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My final days of summer

This is the final weekend before I go back to teaching and interpreting full time. Part of me is looking forward to getting back to a schedule, somewhat, and part of me is dreading having to be somewhere on an ongoing basis. I could get used to working a little here and little there and having all sorts of time to myself, but my pocketbook won't allow it...darn it! I have been enjoying nesting with my honey and making the house our home.

I'll have lots more to blog about in the coming months with elections approaching. This election, more so than in the past, is making me nervous. I can't handle another 8 years with a Republican in office. It's time for change...that sounds so cliché, but I don't like where this country is headed if we don't.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

This is all new to me...

This is my first attempt at blogging, I know late bloomer, but better late than never huh?

A little about myself, I guess... I am married to Kim and we live (most of the time) in Elizabeth Lake, CA where she's a teacher and I'm an interpreter for the Deaf. Part of the year we escape to Madison, WI (where Kim grew up) and hang out with the crazies there ;-) I got the idea for blogging about what happens from Elizabeth Lake to Madison after reading others blogs... So here goes nothing.

Kim and I just got back from a one month stay in Wisconsin about 3 weeks ago. Last weekend we experienced a whirlwind trip to witness our friends Tonya & Dan get married in Dubuque, Iowa along the Mississippi River (loverly!) We got to see all of Kim's college buddies (UW La Crosse) Shawn, Bonnie, Jenni, Linda and of course Tonya duh. Blink and the weekend was over. It was great spending time with Kim's family and Shawn and Kevin.

No more traveling for awhile....back to the grind *sigh* But we are looking forward to having Cris (Kim's sister) out for a week during Thanksgiving.

Well that's my first blog, check back later for more exciting stuff. Woohoo!