Friday, August 29, 2008

Let's get out the vote!

After watching Barak Obama speak last night at the Democratic National Convention (via TV), I am inspired. His speech was as close to perfect as a one could can get, Mr-Smith-Goes-to-Washington-esque. It has been a long time since I've seen a politician so forthright, passionate and awe-inspiring. His candor and energy are the missing pieces of a puzzle that this country has desperately needed. We as a nation need to come together again, agree to disagree respectfully and stop being so selfish. What happened to taking care of your neighbors and elders? It is after all "We the people" right?

I don't believe the Republicans have a chance this election, but I've also learned after the past 8 years to never say never. I know I need to do my part, vote, and encourage those of like minds to do the same. Here's looking to November 4th, 2008!

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