Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Crazy little boy

Linus Henry loves to entertain himself on occasion and we should consider ourselves lucky. He's an energetic boy and needs a lot of attention, so when he amuses himself, we can sit back and laugh. For a while there he had an obsession with a bucket in the garden and I was finally able to catch it on video. He really cracks us up...

Linus and the bucket

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reading kick

I've been in reading mode lately and finished a few good ones that I thought I'd share with anyone that was willing to listen.

Stiff by Mary Roach
A playful narrative on the life of human cadavers through the centuries. It is bizarrely addictive and oddly fascinating. It is definitely not for the squeamish, but if you can get through some of the vividly rich imagery you will find that your morbid curiosity will get the best of you.

When you Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris
A collection of short stories of the continuing saga of David Sedaris and those who have had the fortune, or misfortune depending on how you view it, of crossing paths with the author. Hysterical and and often disgusting, Sedaris never lets me down.

The Anthropology of Turquoise: Reflections on Desert, Sea, Stone and Sky by Ellen Maloy
Vivid, luminescent and thought provoking tales through the author's memoirs and love for all things pertaining to nature.

Currently I an reading:

Naked by David Sedaris
Another collection of short stories about the authors life, focusing on his family and especially his childhood growing up in North Carolina and parts of New York. So far, as I suspected, not a disappointment....laugh riot!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Best Birthday

Yesterday, after a pretty uneventful birthday spent at work, I came home to a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a thick buttercream chocolate cake and an obnoxious singing birthday card. Perfect! Then, Kim took me out for Tikki Masala, Shrimp Curry and Naan at our favorite Indian restaurant, Mahli's in Palmdale.

We discussed our future together and started making plans. It was a special moment that I will never forget. How could life get any better? I really am a luck girl. Thanks baby for making my birthday great.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I have been listening to a lot of talk radio as of late and I must say I'm flabbergasted. I can not believe any party or group, let alone any individual, could be so utterly disrespectful of the President of the United States. I understand party politics and I understand disagreeing with a particular point of view, but come on! The president is trying to politicize "our children" because he wants them to stay in school? Every past president has spoken to school aged children and some with a heftier political message ie. George W Bush and the war on terror. And that was never debated as politicizing "our children," nor were children's parents threatening to take them out of school. This is insanity. The right has finally gone of the deep end and has forgotten their paddle. (Pardon the mixed metaphors) And this whole nonsense about health care is really driving me up the wall. The bill would ban individual health care insurance? The Federal Government would control our medical treatment? Mandatory death panels for senior citizens? Are you f*ing kidding me?! I don't get it.

This is blatant racism, disguised as patriotism, with Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck at the helm. Revolting! I say President Obama needs to stop trying to placate and kowtow to the republicans and just do what he needs to to get the job done. I've had it! I'm with Mike Malloy. I may put up my dukes and fight or I may leave this country all together in disgust! Who are these people?! Really...