In the mean time, Linus likes wood. He has already chewed up our coffee table and two end tables, but Kim said she'll get us new furniture when he's finished with this "phase." He also wants to sleep on the couch, so Kim and I have tried various ways to keep him off: baby gates, chairs, pillows. But clever little Linus always found a way to get around our obstacles. My Dad has found the most effective tool thus far, green plastic fencing material. It's not the most attractive, but it does seem to work.
I'll take more pictures of Linus Henry if and when he'll stand still for them. Until now this picture that Kim took will have to suffice.
Linus is one lucky pup! Henry is his buddy Edgar's middle name, too!
Wood, huh? Mia preferred couches and softer materials. Now it's just the odd piece of kleenex.
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