Thursday, November 12, 2009

A new ride

So last week I was driving home from a really long assignment and my car started to behaving a little strangely. A loud noise resonating from my engine became progressively worse and worse. I finally pulled over and tried to investigate. Mind you I was on the the freeway and in the middle of now where, literally. At this point my car ceased to function and I forced to throw in the towel. I called AAA and waited to be rescued, so to speak.

AAA promptly came within a half hour and towed me the 76 miles to my mechanics location. Luckily I had the company of a nice tow truck driver or that ride could have been miserable. I made it home safe and sound, but by now it was night time and I would have to wait a see what had happened to my car until the next morning.

Well long story short...I apparently, had let the oil run out in my old girl and killed my engine. To be honest I really didn't like I had neglected my car for that long, but after blowing out an engine I'll have to chalk that one up to experience. So I've spent the week researching possible solutions. Do I fix my current car and fork out 3000-5000 dollars on an old car? Do I change make and model altogether and go for something different? In the end and after a hellish week of playing car tag, I decided to stay tried and true and bought a newer model 07 Honda Civic. It drives like a sports car and has numerous bells and whistles that were lacking in the 99 Honda. I can finally play my iPhone in my car and I've even downloaded a new iPhone app to keep track of my maintenance, Gas Cubby. So far I love this car! Oh and by the way my honey, Kim, wants everybody to know that she found the car for me on

1 comment:

Eileen O'Shea said...

We use AccuFuel to track gas mileage. The car looks pretty! and shiny!
