Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Snow in March?!

So it snowed yesterday at our California. I didn't now that was possible, but apparently it is. I was so stunned I forgot to get a picture, so you'll just have to take my word for it. The weather has been very cold here: currently 37 degrees with wind gusts up to 51 mph. I'm actually ready for spring now and would love some warmer weather. Can any of you provide that for us? Thanks


Eileen O'Shea said...

Holy cow! It's been cool down here, but nothing like that - and no rain. You really do have a microclimate up there! Stay warm.


Morgana said...

yes! All the way from Australia, and ready to wear my winter booties and 3 scarves.
I'll gladly trade.
I can offer you warm winds and cicada chirrups, and juicy green walnut leaves!