Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Crazy little boy

Linus Henry loves to entertain himself on occasion and we should consider ourselves lucky. He's an energetic boy and needs a lot of attention, so when he amuses himself, we can sit back and laugh. For a while there he had an obsession with a bucket in the garden and I was finally able to catch it on video. He really cracks us up...

Linus and the bucket


Shawn said...

I love the melodic, gentle wind chime accompaniment to Linus beating the heck out of his bucket. What a nut! I also love how Spencer just stays in his sans-grass part of the yard, ignoring the whipper-snapper!

Eileen O'Shea said...

Ah puppies! So glad Mia is older and more mature (except for the occasional eating of nightguards...)