I can't believe another year has come and gone! Life seems to stream through rather than trickle by as it once did, but I guess that's how life works. A brief 2010 in review...I have successfully finished my first semester of entry classes to Grad school and did rather well. Kim is feverishly working on her book idea and doing so well. I am very proud of her efforts, her strive to think outside the box and get more kids interested in math. I have started running and have somehow been able to maintain on some semblance of a schedule, this is a miracle in and of itself. Other than that, I turned forty and I have been forced to address some life lessons, comes with the territory. I'm actually more thankful for it.
Kim and I returned from our Christmas excursion to Madison a few days ago and are now trying to catch up on rest and relaxation and all the other things we need to get done before the next school sessions start, but I think we're ready. Happy New Year everyone! Make 2011 what you want of it and may this year be more prosperous and bountiful then the last.