Monday, January 18, 2010

What's this falling from the sky?

Our winter has been rather pathetic thus far. Yes it has been on the cool side, but we did not get much in the way of precipitation. Well this week it is finally here and we are supposed to get a substantial amount it. Accuweather says we will be getting almost 4 inches of rain and 3.5 inches of snow. Yikes! Well with the California drought this comes with welcoming arms, yet people are still complaining. Eh finicky Californians.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu

So for the past 2 to 3 weeks, we've had Kim's folks here for the holidays. Cris arrived a little later on Christmas Eve and now they all leave tomorrow. We went on some mini trips to Ventura, Long Beach and into the Antelope Valley, but for the most part we've been enjoying the pellet stove and watching movies indoors. I've really enjoyed having them here, but it will be nice to have our house to ourselves again.

I need to get back to work and prepare for the coming semester...eek! I'll be teaching the linguistic aspects of American Sign Language again at Antelope Valley College and this time around I'll have a full house of 31. This is why I'm trying to get my act together, get a PowerPoint ready and not do anything last minute related to this class. I just can't afford to!

I also am ready to pick up interpreting gigs at the colleges and elsewhere. This Christmas depleted any reserves I had. But we had fun in the process. What I really need to do is get in shape and start focusing on my health. So I'm going to start running. I will take baby steps at first, but my goal is to be able to run 3 miles within a few months. I downloaded an app for my iPhone called Get Running to help me achieve this goal. This coupled with better eating habits and maybe some yoga classes I'm looking forward to feeling and looking better...I'm optimistic. Let's ring in the new year!