I've been in reading mode lately and finished a few good ones that I thought I'd share with anyone that was willing to listen.
Stiff by Mary Roach
A playful narrative on the life of human cadavers through the centuries. It is bizarrely addictive and oddly fascinating. It is definitely not for the squeamish, but if you can get through some of the vividly rich imagery you will find that your morbid curiosity will get the best of you.
When you Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris
A collection of short stories of the continuing saga of David Sedaris and those who have had the fortune, or misfortune depending on how you view it, of crossing paths with the author. Hysterical and and often disgusting, Sedaris never lets me down.
The Anthropology of Turquoise: Reflections on Desert, Sea, Stone and Sky by Ellen Maloy
Vivid, luminescent and thought provoking tales through the author's memoirs and love for all things pertaining to nature.
Currently I an reading:
Naked by David Sedaris
Another collection of short stories about the authors life, focusing on his family and especially his childhood growing up in North Carolina and parts of New York. So far, as I suspected, not a disappointment....laugh riot!