Monday, June 22, 2009

Greetings from Madison

After a whirlwind three day drive from Elizabeth Lake, with naughties: Fatboy, Monkey and Little Boy in tow, Kim and I arrived in Madison on the 19th of June. Apparently we brought the weather along with us and have been dealing with thunderstorms and oppressive humidity ever since. Despite that we're having a great time thus far and we're enjoying hanging out with family and good friends.

Since last summer, I've longed for my next bite of Wisconsin ice cream and I really must admit there is no other that can compare: Orange Custard Chocolate Chip from the Union, absolutely refreshing or Zanzabar chocolate from Ella's Deli, delish. Kim and I have also had a chance to frequent one of our favorite restaurants here in Madison, Buraka, East African cuisine. Kim partook in chicken peanut curry and I had the baris, yummy.

We have so much to and very little time in which to do it in. There is cheese tasting to be had at one of the local producers: chocolate cheese has me curious, and photographing run down farm houses and barns: taking my new Cannon out for a spin and taking in local sites and sounds: Art Fair on the Square, Rhthym and Booms, Farmer's Market on the Square and so much more. I want to see the glacier's path from the Wisconsin ice age, go camping along side the Wisconsin river and spend some time with my honey, as we embark on our fourth year together.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My very best friend

Yesterday I said goodbye to my very best friend and I am heartbroken. We shared 19 and half wonderful years together and I can't imagine my life without her. She stood by me when my mother died and through every relationship's end. There are no words to describe how caring, loving and compassionate she was. I hope she is now running around chasing moths, lying leisurely in the sun and nestling a comfy pillow for all eternity. I will miss you my sweetie and will love you forever and always.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Madison time

Within the next few weeks Kim, myself and our 3 naughties: Spencer, Abby and Linus will be getting ready to journey to Madison, WI for the summer. Our trip starts with the trek across the Mojave Desert in California, a brief jaunt through Nevada and Arizona, then a interesting diagonal voyage through Utah where we'll probably stay the night. In the morning, it is onwards and upwards through beautiful Colorado. I'll be sure to snap lots of photographs of its amazing scenery. We will hit the top of the Rocky Mountains and then we start heading downward towards Tornado Alley. This next portion of our trip is flat and I mean flat. I will save our book on CD: Angels and Daemons, for this mind numbingly repetitive landscape across the fields of Nebraska, where we again will seek shelter for the 5 of us. The following morning we will journey across Iowa plains and in the evening set up camp in some small town yet again. As we approach the great Mississippi River the visual perspective becomes more promising and we begin to see a light at the end of our travel tunnel, so to speak, we begin the final procession into Madison, WI. I will miss everyone I have left behind, but I so look forward to those I have not seen in a while. I cannot wait for the love, laughter and stories that will, inevitably, enrich my life this summer.

See you soon Madison.