Sunday, November 30, 2008

The holidays

The holidays make me think about those that surround my life.

I wanted to send warm fuzzies to Shawnie and Kevin for their new arrival Ivy. They are busy nesting and getting to know each other. I look forward to becoming an auntie and getting to know this new little personality.

I'm also thinking of my aunt and uncle (you guys know what I mean). This time of year gets me thinking of my mom as well. I think she would be happy with the way things have turned out. I wish she was here.

Happy holidays to you all.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cris is coming to town

Well it's Thanksgiving time and Cris (Kim's sister) is coming to town. For her birthday, we split the cost of flying her out here for the week. I'm looking forward to some laughs and some time off too. I'll be preparing the bird and all the fixin's for Gobble Gobble Day. Looking forward to it. I wish everyone a great Thanksgiving holiday. I am thankful that I have all of you in my life. I'm so much better for it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just blog out of it

I've been just so out of it since the election, that I've completely forgotten to blog. I will soon I have some great and some not so great little stories to tell. In the mean time be sure to keep checking Dan's blog (I blog on it too) Prop8life
Blog at you later ;-)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Little Story

Amidst all the excitement and devistation, I forgot a little story that has made a difference in my life.

A former student of mine took it upon himself to join the cause. I will call him Mr Shy for the purpose of this blog. Mr Shy joined a local LGBT group, who were getting the word out against Prop 8. Members chose to wear pink triangles on their clothes to show their support up until the elections. While out at local eatery, Mr Shy was asked what the pink triangle stood for by an employee. Mr Shy explained the fight for equal marriage rights for the LGBT community and convinced this employee to vote against the proposition. Wonders, really do, come in small packages.

I want to thank all of my friends, collegues and family who were equally devestated by the passing of Prop 8. I've received texts, emails, voicemails, Facebook messages of support and disbelief. Your warmth, generosity, kind words and advocacy mean the world to me. Thank you for who you are and thank you for being there for me.

Posted with LifeCast

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can...Well Some Of Us Can

Today's excitement is bittersweet. I am thrilled that we elected Barak Obama for president. This is an historic moment on so many levels and I'm so proud to have been a part of it. What I can't get my brain around is church sanctioned bigotry that led to, not one state, but three states passing amendments to ban gay marriage! People look to California for leadership and today we failed to show that leadership. It was close and I haven't overlooked that point, but I'm truly disappointed, heartbroken in fact. This is not over, not by a long shot. That which is too precious to lose is worth fighting for. I love my wife and they cannot take that away from me. We will have to take this all the way to the Supreme Court and nationally get the rights we deserve. I'm ready are you?

Posted with LifeCast

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today, I vote

In a few minutes, I'm going to vote on this historical day. I don't care if the lines are long or if all of my neighbors vote against me. I voted on this historic day and I am a part of history. I participate. I care. I stand up for myself and others I care about. Today, I vote.