Friday, October 31, 2008

Here kitty kitty

Happy Halloween to one and all. Let's take this moment to put aside the ugliness the election has provided and enjoy this holiday, however you see fit. I just finished carving my pumpkin...what do ya think?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm Ready To Vote

I can't wait, I want to vote now! I don't care if I have to wait in line forever, I need to be heard. I need to speak out for my rights and for those who are too young to have their own voice. This election is too important to be passive. Speak your heart. Speak your mind. Vote.

Posted with LifeCast

Ruffled Feathers!

This all started with a minor disagreement about the California Teacher's Association position of No on Prop 8, in the workroom. Coworkers in favor of this proposition put bumper stickers Yes on Prop 8 in their cars and not a word was mentioned. The tension at the school became palpable and finally Anne, Kim and Rowdy had had enough. The threesome began to put up signs in their cars, off school's property, against Prop 8. Well it looks like Kim, Rowdy & Anne's small protest warranted attention from our local right wing rag. Tuesday the Antelope Valley Press paid the school a visit and photographed Rowdy and Kim's vehicles. The sign read: America's History of Persecution: Native American, Women's Movement, African American and Now Gay Americans. Apparently parents were up in arms, calling the Superintendent, to complain about the signs against Prop 8 as they were dropping of their children. Rowdy, Anne & Kim are provoking a controversy, quite possibly forcing people to think about others outside of their immediate circle. This newspaper article may be a ploy to try and frighten them, but that's just not going to happen. Yesterday, Dan's friend Ann, came up from Los Angeles to interview the "rabble-rousers" for the Advocate.

Today's sign reads: Amend the Constitution to Take People's Rights Away?

Go baby go!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Anticipation @ Camille's Sidewalk Cafe

I want the election season to be over and done with. The tension in the air is palpable and uncomfortable. People are politely not talking, or if they are talking it gets ugly quick: neighbors not speaking, co-workers staring each other down and so on.

Kim is fighting an uphill battle and I'm very proud of her. She is making small banners on Vote No on Prop 8 and placing them on her car for all to see at work. She said she's sick of the double standard, with which I completely agree. Unfortunately I feel very alone in this political climate. So I'm sitting here at Camille's Sidewalk Cafe in Lancaster trying to think positively and waiting in anticipation for the election on November 4th. Cross all of your fingers and toes.

Posted with LifeCast

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Vote No on Prop 8

I can not believe that people are so up in arms about this proposition. How does this directly affect anyone, but those who are being discriminated against. In our neighborhood, I'm seeing signs for Yes on Prop 8, but very few opposing it.

I thought we had arrived at the 21 century where Americans were more civilized, thoughtful and respectful. England, Canada, Spain and various other countries have adopted laws to protect gay marriage, but the United States is so entrenched in their Puritan roots that we won't let go of the past.

I'm losing faith in our humanity here in the USA. No one cares for their neighbors, elders or downtrodden. The focus seems to be on making sure that people tow the line and focus on themselves. Patriotism and the American flag, once representing our quest for freedom and righting injustice, now is used as a weapon to separate us: us versus them, right versus left, terrorists versus freedom fighters and so on. I only hope that I am respired on November 4th and that this country turns onto a more positive path.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Forget fall lets jump straight to winter

The temperature here has headed south, currently 40 degrees, but that is not permanent yet. I was reading my friend (Shawnie)'s blog and was inspired to blog myself. I was thinking that Wisconsin has truer seasons than California, but California has nicer weather longer...ahh the grass is always greener.

Elizabeth Lake


At times like this I am torn as to where I want to be. To watch the leaves turn color and fall in Wisconsin, hang out with friends and sip hot cocoa or be here in California where the weather has not quite decided what it wants to be. One day you put on a fire in the fireplace and the next you are back to puddle pushers. I just love this season...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Goodnight Punk

Yesterday, we said goodbye to Punk. Stubborn, curious and always hungry, she was Kim's little Punker-Poo. We hope that she's running around and chasing animals up in the sky, going for long walks and visiting friends who have long since passed. She had a great life, full of adventures here and in Wisconsin, car rides back a forth and mini escapes whenever she had the chance. We will miss her and she will always be in our hearts. Goodbye sweetie, we'll be seeing you.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dinner with friends

We had friends over for a dinner party last night: Rowdy, Dan, Ellen and Lori (Kim's workmates). I made Shrimp Creamy Pesto with garlic broccoli and garlic bread, which was a huge hit and unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy it much. Before the meal I had a plate au fromage for people to nibble on before dinner...that was my down fall. I eat to much cheese and my stomach decided to have it's revenge. I spent most of dinner running to the bathroom..oh well. At least we had good company, great conversation and a nice fire in the fireplace.