This all started with a minor disagreement about the California Teacher's Association position of No on Prop 8, in the workroom. Coworkers in favor of this proposition put bumper stickers Yes on Prop 8 in their cars and not a word was mentioned. The tension at the school became palpable and finally Anne, Kim and Rowdy had had enough. The threesome began to put up signs in their cars, off school's property, against Prop 8. Well it looks like Kim, Rowdy & Anne's small protest warranted attention from our local right wing rag. Tuesday the Antelope Valley Press paid the school a visit and photographed Rowdy and Kim's vehicles. The sign read: America's History of Persecution: Native American, Women's Movement, African American and Now Gay Americans. Apparently
parents were up in arms, calling the
Superintendent, to complain about the signs against Prop 8 as they were dropping of their children. Rowdy, Anne & Kim are
provoking a controversy, quite
possibly forcing people to think about others outside of their immediate circle. This
newspaper article may be a ploy to try and frighten them, but that's just not going to happen. Yesterday, Dan's friend Ann, came up from Los Angeles to interview the "rabble-
rousers" for the Advocate.
Today's sign reads:
Amend the Constitution to Take People's Rights Away?
Go baby go!